Rocky Road Trip Oreo
Taste Test:
Initial Smell: The smell heavily reminds me of the Hot Cocoa Oreo, but with more of that marshmallow pow that I wanted. Who doesn't love extra marshmallow?!
Whole Cookie: Yep, this cookie is exactly what I wanted out of the Hot Cocoa Oreo. The added marshmallow and soy nut really improve the overall flavor and texture of this cookie. I wouldn't say I've eaten a lot of rocky road ice cream in my life, but I've definitely eaten enough (are we all really that surprised?) to know that these are a good cookie version.
Half Cookie: For whatever reason, I thought that the marshmallow was in the creme and missed that the texture was the soy. The cookie has ribbons of white mixed in, so I don't have a really great excuse for being this dense. Moving along...I like that removing this wafer allows the soy nut pieces to really pop more, but overall I wouldn't say that this wafer removal is necessary.
Creme Only: Again, I super appreciate the addition of the soy into the creme as it gives it that added flavor and texture. Am I going to start a fan club for this creme and start having random day dreams about it? Well, no...that's just absurd and pretty darn creepy, but I would eat this like Nutella...on a croissant like a good tubby...
Wafer Only: With Nabisco upping their wafer game, I feel it only fair to review these as well (unless there isn't anything special). The added marshmallows to these wafers isn't only visually appealing, I feel it does change the texture and flavor a bit. My first couple, okay maybe like three, seemed to have more of that dried marshmallow chew, but the more I ate the less I could really tell. I wouldn't say that this is first place winner in the wafer olympics, but it gets a participation certificate and invited to the pizza party with the team.
Overall: For being yet another fangirl of chocolate cookie, these are actually pretty good. With the wafer and creme having some adding elements, I would definitely say give these a shot.
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